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Chicken Cordon Bleu (prepped for camping)


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We were going camping to decided to pre-made chicken cordon blue[@rev] like last time[@rev]. I prepped it ahead of time by pounding out two chicken breasts and then doing mustard, ham, and swiss cheese. I then did the best I could to roll it up (it wasn't easy) and used toothpicks to hold it. I did this on Friday.

On Saturday, when we cooked it, I decided to try to cook it in the foil still. I cooked it for about 40 min at 350°F. I forgot the meat thermometer so I just went for a bit longer.

I like the idea of stuffed chicken for camping but doing it with cheese in the roll. As you can see in the below photo, it made a big mess. All of the cheese kind of steamed out and melted all over.

The flavor was still there, and pretty good. Just messy!