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Sous Vide Carrots and Delicata Squash with Chicken Sausage Saturday, October 07, 2017, 02:25 AM


I made sous vide carrots from Serious Eats (LOCAL). I basically followed those directions exactly except I heated the bag in the microwave for about a minute to loosed to hardened sauce. (I premade them earlier in the week)

The sauce eventually thickened and acted as a glaze, but I was kind of disappointed. They tasted like...carrots! I was hoping they would have a stronger flavor and be a bit sweeter. It may be because they are older (or it may just be because they are carrots).

I also roasted delicata squash. I just did the same as I do for Kabocha: 375°F for 30 minutes, flipped half way. And chicken sausage.

Not too hard, but not amazing.

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