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Shrimp with Tomato Gravy and Johnny Cakes Monday, April 29, 2019, 08:48 PM


This was inspired by 2 of Meredith’s favorite dishes in New Mexico. Freight House has shrimp and grits to rival any southern restaurant’s, and they involve a “spiced tomato gravy.” Coyote Cantina has an interesting shrimp dish served on a “griddled corn cakes.” So this was supposed to be the flavors of Freight House’s shrimp and grits, with the Johnny cakes idea from coyote cantina.

Meredith used a tomato gravy recipe from Serious Eats (LOCAL), but it kind of tasted like thick tomato soup. Freight House’s is not nearly this creamy. I don’t think I would describe it as creamy at all, actually. We’ll definitely look for a different recipe for that in the future.

The johnny cakes recipe came from Southern Kitchen (LOCAL) and she followed it very closely, but added a generous handful of shredded cheddar to the batter. She meant to add corn kernels to it as well, but was a bit rushed by a crying baby. Chopped green onions could be a nice addition as well, but these were good. They puffed up a lot.

We served it with arugula because we have a ton of it, and she made shrimp in a similar method to our go to lemon garlic shrimp, only skipping the lemon and using Old Bay in place of the salt.

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