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Chinese Food Feast


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Meredith had checked out a book called Every Grain of Rice by Fuchsia Dunlop and decided to go crazy cooking four different things from it. Meredith said they were all pretty easy it's just that she made four items

Meredith's notes are below

Classic Dan Dan Noodles

These were pretty good and quick! I’m not sure I had the right kind of bean paste. They were out of the sweet bean paste, so what I got was just bean paste, but given it calls for all of 1 tsp, I guess that was fine. I also used Sake in place of the other wine since I thought that would be close enough and didn’t want to buy it for one recipe. I had no problem finding the Sichuanese ya cai and it was really cheap, too. I also found fresh noodles at the Asian market, so I used those. Next time I might look to mix up the sauce a bit, and I’d consider doing a mix of zucchini noodles and real ones just for a more balanced meal. This could probably make a pretty nice dinner on it’s own with the zucchini noodles.

Also, only did 2 tsp instead of 2 Tbsp of chili oil

Dan-Dan Noodles[@rev]

Sour and Hot Silken Tofu

I don’t typically love silken tofu, preferring a firmer texture, but for whatever reason this recipe still caught my eye. And I’m glad it did, because it was really good! I think the Bombay mix on top was essential, because it needed that textural contrast. Followed this recipe closely, except I did 2 tsp of chili oil instead of 2 tbsp, and since it was store bought there was no sediment. Based on some reading, you have to make your own for it to have sediment. I also used roasted peanut oil in place of the sesame oil because unfortunately our sesame oil was refined and not at all aromatic. I thought the peanut aromas would be better than no aroma. I also used TJ’s bone broth for the stock.

Tofu Recipe[@rev]

Smacked Cucumber in Garlicky Sauce

Anytime I see an Asia cucumber recipe, I hope it will be similar to the cucumbers from the ABQ Pop-up Dumpling House. Their description is:

These cucumbers complement any of our Chinese dishes. We take crispy cucumbers and blend them with Chinese spices and seasonings for a refreshing appetizer or side.

I think I followed this recipe pretty much to a T, maybe smashing with a little too much zeal. But, they were delicious! I’ll have to try the ones at the dumpling house again, but I easily liked these as much even if they are different. I didn’t do the optional Sichuan pepper.

Smacked Cucumbers in Garlicky Sauce Recipe[@rev]

Baby Bok Choy in Superior Stock

This was not a winner. It was quite simple to make, but very bland. I followed the recipe closely, using TJ’s bone broth for the stock.

Bok Choy Recipe[@rev]