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Dan Dan Noodles


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We made tofu Dan Dan noodles. We followed the same basic changes as last time[@rev] for the sauce and again combined Every Grain of Rice[@rev]n with The Woks of Life[@rev]. Since it got kind of confusing, I will put it down here what we did. Essentially, make the sauce as below (note it does not put (sui mi/Sichuanese) ya cai1 in the sauce. It goes the meat along with five-spice powder).



We used 3 clumps of the noodles which was fine but had lots of leftovers

I also threw together a stir-fry from some snow peas. It was

Stir fry:

It was too much corn starch and/or too high of heat but it sizzled into thick globs. Not idea. And not particularly good as a stir-fry sauce. But I needed something quickly.

Overall, I think we liked the pork version more but were fine with the tofu. It still tasted really good. Just lacked some of the flavor and color from the pork (also, it was really hard to mix the tofu into the noodles)

  1. Preserved Mustard Greens (碎米芽菜) -- see Omnivore's Cookbook 

  2. except today we didn't actually use this since we were out