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Tuna Pasta Salad -- back to top

Pasta Salad with Roasted Peppers, Tuna & Oregano [The Kitchn] with the noted changes from 2020

Seared Salmon and Peppers -- back to top

Crispy Seared Salmon with some roasted peppers Emily made.

I did the salmon with the Avocado+NCT oil since it’s a higher smoke point. I also did it a tad too long on the first side. The bottoms got a bit darker (but not bad). I do not know if it was the salmon being different or the oil but it was darker. Still good

Also had salad and bread

Roasted Veggie Tacos -- back to top

Meredith made roasted veggie tacos inspired by something we had at Flying Star.

It was

Really tasty and healthy! We like these veggie heavy dinners.

Added cheese to some

BLTs with homegrown tomatoes -- back to top

BLTs (though really spinach for lettuce) with homegrown tomatoes. The bread we wanted to use went bad so we used English muffin bread. I pan-toasted Meredith’s in butter and mine with mayo.

Also some cheater Caprese salad with a mix of homegrown and purchased tomatoes. We do have garden-grown basil but it was pouring so we just used pesto.

The tomatoes were really good!

Cheese Steak Sandwiches -- back to top

This is a repeat of sorts of Cheese Steak(ish) Sandwiches that's we've done a few times. The biggest note is that I realized/remembered that when a cheese steak is being cooked, the chop the meat. So while it was in the pan, I took a bench scraper and chopped it up really well. I like the texture more!

Served on bread and also over some pasta.

Blueberry Muffin Oatmeal -- back to top

Blueberry Muffin Oatmeal [A Beautiful Mess]

Roasted Veggie Tacos -- back to top

Repeat of Roasted Veggie Tacos

BLT Corn Lettuce Wraps with homegrown tomatoes -- back to top


BLT Corn Lettuce Wraps