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No Knead Rustic Bread Thursday, January 07, 2021, 01:34 PM


I made No knead bread from America's Test Kitchen. I followed their recipe pretty closely. For the beer, I use "PBR Extra". I roughly measured the yeast; probably going a bit high. I also needed a bit more water to bring it together. I used King Arthur AP Flour

I really liked it though I also really struggled with the rise. No Knead bread uses a lot less yeast, but I think I would up it a bit next time. Interestingly, King Arthur Flour says to decrease the yeast! Anyway, I ended up letting it rise after shaping for nearly 4 hours.

The end result was very tasty! A bit dense still but I also think I should have gone to a slightly higher temp (they say 210°F which doesn't make sense in Albuquerque but I think the 196 was a tad low.

I've also looked at other recipes and they have you start with a hot dutch oven but less time. I was pretty happy with this and it was easier but I would consider that sometime too.

I think there is room for improvement and/or experimentation but I was, overall, very happy with this result. Only problem is that we basically ate the whole loaf with dinner

Tags: bread

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