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Brioche Bread Saturday, February 13, 2021, 01:17 PM


I made no-knead brioche from America's Test Kitchen. I followed their recipe exactly. It seemed like it wouldn't make enough since it wasn't much flour but I think it was fine in the end. I started it on Thursday morning and cooked it Saturday. (I shaped it around 10:30 and cooked it around 1:15).

Final temp was 195.8°F which, while in line with the recipe, was a bit high for Albuquerque's altitude. It wasn't dry or anything so I guess that is good.

It also may have been slightly over-proofed as you can see in the cut slice. The whole were pretty big!

It was nowhere near as good or rich or soft or dense or buttery or sweet as the one from Trader Joes but it was still very good! Reminded me of challah more than the Trader Joes one. But I actually think theirs is the exception and this is closer to what I've had elsewhere.

The main use was for french toast

Tags: bread, bread_illustrated

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