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Turkey, Basil, and Pistachio Patties Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 07:31 PM


I made a new adaptation of the Lamb and pistachio patties with sumac yogurt sauce [Ottolenghi Simple] (which we already usually do with turkey). Using 1.5 lbs of lean turkey, instead of arugula, I used 40-601 grams of garden-fresh basil. I also did about 1.5x the pistachios (which is also common).

I actually prepared them on Sunday and then shaped and baked them today in the oven.

We thought we went too heavy on the basil but it was perfect. Strong but nowhere near overpowering flavor. We served them with jarred marinara sauce and it was delicious. We will do this again to use up basil

  1. The uncertainty is because we aren't sure if the scale was properly tared. 

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