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French Onion Soup Saturday, November 08, 2014, 07:25 PM


This is a rough guide on my french onions soup. It isn't the best but it is still pretty good. And not a lot of work

Essentially, the recipe is (3-3.5):(3-3.5):1 beef wine. And the key is a long simmer.

Anyway, it is roughly as follows

Over medium - low heat, caramelize the onions with the oil. Use the low heat and stir. It will take about 30 minutes.

The flour essentially makes a roux. If using, add for the last 5-10 minutes with the onions. Stir often to make sure it doesn't burn.

Add the liquid. If using bouillon, use low sodium and make it strong. Also, feel free to add some no-sodium bouillon for extra flavor. Stir well and let simmer for 30-60 minutes or more. The long simmer is important to impart the onion flavor to the broth.

Ladle over toasted bread and then melt cheese on top (broiler or torch)

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