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Black Bean Stuffed Poblanos, Mexican Chicken, (homemade) Salsa Verde Thursday, August 12, 2010, 07:22 PM


We used this recipe for the black bean stuffed poblanos (we halved it). The stuffing was good but the tomato sauce inundated the flavor. We cooked the extra stuffing in a separate dish and that was great. The peppers themselves would have been better with less sauce. Maybe next time we will use salsa. Also, we drained and rinsed the beans to cut some salt

The salsa verde was too watery because we ran out of tomatillos. We used non fat Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. The chicken which was just sautéed with taco seasoning was good but was also exactly what you would expect.

So, notes for next time are salsa instead if sauce (and less if it) and thicker salsa Verde.

Also, I tried using the cast iron for the chicken. It was really nice but you couldn't cover it. Not really an issue for tenders which cook quickly but if I were using whole breasts, I would want the lid.

Approximate points:



LF cheese...3

Corn meal...2

Chicken...~1.5 (or less) per oz

Salsa Verde... (not much and as barely ate it)

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