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Sautéed Rosemary Chicken with Peppers and Chicken Noodle Side Dish Sunday, August 29, 2010, 08:58 PM


First meal at Meredith's. She doesn't have a table yet but this worked fine. The chicken was just rosemary, some black pepper, a bit of crushed red pepper, and some salt. After the flip, we added the peppers. I thought they wouldn't cook enough but with the lid on, they were fine.

The chicken side stuff is a side dish thing made by Korr. It is one of the few sides that is not too salty (though I do not remember how much) and not too high in calories (~400 total, two servings, low fat.). I like it a lot but I want to learn how to make it myself from the broth on. I think I will make chicken broth and pasta so that the broth is just barely over the pasta. Then let it cook down and thicken. Maybe some flour or cornstarch for thickening. If I get it, I will try to link back to it.


Chicken...about 3-4 (it is very lean and I trimmed off even more fat before cooking)

Side Stuff...4/person.

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