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NY Strip Steak and "Chips" Monday, August 30, 2010, 10:04 PM


I was really in the mood to make steak so I did just that. I pammed it, then put some salt and pepper on. I did it on the griddler with a meat thermometer. It worked really well for the pork chop I made for lunch tomorrow (which I am not going to post). Or, at least I hope it worked because of the way the temperature rose.

Anyway, with the steak I got strange readings so I eye-balled it. Well, when I cut it, it mooed at me so I cooked it a bit more. I did cook it with the fat the first time but I cut it off before the second.

I also made the chips again but this time I used a mandoline. I finally found one that cheap that WAS adjustable. Most of the cheap ones are fixed. It is still a junky-ish one that has a slightly serrated blade which left a strange texture but still good. Also, I overcooked them a bit but the chips were very thin and good. Also, one potato went very far!!!

The chips were around 3-4 points. THe steak was about 10-12.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 307, 2010-08-30_220454

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