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Baked Potato Soup and Hot Dogs Sunday, November 07, 2010, 09:18 PM


The soup was really the main attraction here. We used the purple majesty potatoes, a [very] small onion and celery. We also used a bit of margarine but that could have been skipped! After a while, we used the immersion blender. We served it with fat free greek yogurt and cheese. Sadly, we didn't not have green onions or bacon bits/bacos. What is funny is that because of the color and because we left the potato skin on (extra fiber), it looked like black bean soup. Overall, it tasted pretty good. Not incredible, but pretty good.

The hot dogs were the 97% (or something close) fat free Hebrew National. They were fine. We served them with a variety of toppings including leftover squash chilli to make chilli dogs.


Soup (whole thing, 4 servings)

~1.25 lb potato...9


The hot dogs are one each plus one for the first Arnolds hot dog roll and two for the second.

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