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Shepherd's Pie and Jalapeno Spinach Soup Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 10:34 PM


We made shepherd's pie just like in the past. The base was about 12 oz of lean beef with onions, corn, peas, garlic and spices. Pretty standard and easy. The top was just mashed potatoes (made in our healthy way). Put them together and bake for about 30 minutes at 350.

It was really good this time (though we also enjoyed it in the past). It made a nice amount with enough leftovers for lunch the next day.

The soup was strange. First, I sautéed a bunch of garlic and then added sliced, pickled, jalapeños which I further diced. I added a whole can but I did drain them first. After adding a lot of broth/water, I added a whole bunch of fresh spinach. I used scissors to cut it up.

The soup had a pretty intense burn from the jalapeños and the seeds but it was good. Different but good.

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