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Grilled Chicken, Cauliflower and Apples Sunday, April 03, 2011, 11:57 AM



I largely made up a marinade and I should have written down what I used. I was annoyed that all of the ones on the web had so much oil. This was has very little and by marinading in a bag, I didn't need much. I also used some water to add liquid. If I recall correctly, I put

We grilled the chicken thighs. Thankfully thighs are very forgiving because I am pretty sure we over cooked them. We also had cauliflower with curry powder. We did that in aluminum foil so it got more steamed than anything. It was still good but not like when we roasted them in the past

For dessert, I put apples with cinnamon, splenda, nutmeg and cardamom into aluminum foil and grilled that for a while. They were pretty good too.


Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1111, 2011-04-03_115721

Tags: chicken, grill

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