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Pizza Thursday, July 21, 2011, 06:24 PM



Adam and Steph were over so we did make your own pizza. I made the pizza dough with the recipe from here except I used 1+3/4 cups of whole wheat and regular plus a 1/4 cup bread flour (finished it up). I used 1.5 yeast packets. I also used a bit more olive oil but still less than manyrecipes.Because eof the timing, I made the crust in the morning, let it rise once, punched it down and then refrigerated it. Later I took it out and brought it to room temp. I cut it into 6 then cut two of them into 2 making 4 large and 4 small pieces (1/6 for the large, 1/12th for the small)

For the sauce, I pureed the tomatoes first and then I let them really cook down to get rid of all the moisture. I also used sautéd onions, garlic and olive oil (just a bit)

I do not know what eat and every pizza was but the toppings we had (or at least the ones I remember) were:

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