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Spaghetti Squash with home made sauce Monday, July 02, 2012, 08:50 PM



I made spaghetti squash with home made tomato sauce. For the sauce, I sautéed some onions and a bit of leftover mushrooms. I added garlic and let it sauté for a minute before adding petite diced tomatoes. I used a bunch of different seasonings, but I went heavy on the oregano and garlic powder. I do not recall exactly what I added but I know I tried using soy sauce instead of salt. I also added some balsamic vinegar and some red wine vinegar. I added a 6oz can of tomato paste so it was pretty thick. I did use some olive oil, but I tried not to use too much. The sauce came out really good! One of my better tomato sauces.

I followed a different sites instructions on the zucchini. I stabbed it many times with a knife and then microwaved it for 12 minutes. I then cut it long-wise and carefully scooped out the seeds. Then the meat part. It made quite a bit of food with little points!

I also made sweet potato fries but I let them cook a tad too long.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 2085, 2012-07-02_205031

Tags: spaghetti_squash

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