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Home > posts > 2013 > 04 > 20130408_210542_spaghetti-squash-with-italian-chicken-sausage.html

Spaghetti Squash with Italian Chicken Sausage Monday, April 08, 2013, 09:05 PM



I was going to eat out when I remember I had a spaghetti squash I haven't eaten. I bought a pack of Italian chicken sausage at Target (2.2 points plus/link and 5 links/package). I also bought Classico Tomato Basil sauce (1 point plus/serving, 5 for the whole thing. Lowest one available). I halved the raw squash, deseeded it, lammed it, added salt and pepper, and microwaved it for 13 minutes. Pretty standard. I sliced the sausage into pieces and did it in the pan for a while. It was cooking too much on the bottom and not enough all around so I threw it in the broiler. Once the squash was done, I microwaved the sauce. Once it was all done, I mixed it all together with some parm cheese. It made two very large servings! It was also extremely good. I do not know if it was the sauce; the sausage or the mix, but I liked it a lot and very low points! ( (2.2+1)*5+(some for the cheese)=~18 total). So 9 points for each meal!

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 3393, 2013-04-08_210542

Tags: almost_vegan, chicken

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