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Reuben Empanadas and Corn Thursday, April 11, 2013, 09:01 PM



I wanted to try something different so I made baked reuben empanadas. I based the dough on the regular empanada dough but used rye flour instead of wheat. I also didn't have egg, but this site suggested I could used soy yogurt. Since I wasn't trying to be vegan, I used greek yogurt. The dough came out okay. Very sticky. Plus, making so little is hard with the mixer.

Anyway, I rolled them out, put a small coating of lite Thousand Island, some (squeezed out) sauerkraut, then sliced corned beef and finally, I topped it with half a slice of light swiss cheese. (see the picture at the bottom).

They came out okay. I think I liked the idea of them more. They didn't taste overly "reubeny". The dough tasted the same so next time, I think I'll throw some caraway seeds in it to make it more rye tasting. And I do not know what else to try to bring out the flavors. Also, I kind of forgot how intense and time consuming it is to make empanadas alone.

I also had corn. Most things said to do them in the oven for 30 min at 350 but I did them for 24 at 400 since I was doing the empanadas anyway.20130411-210046.jpg

Pointwise, I don't think it should be too bad. It made 6 empanadas (3 dinner/3 lunch). It was 12 pp for the dough, plus (3x1pp) for light swiss slices + 1/2 lbs corned beef (8 pp) and guess 2 for the dressing. That's 12+3+8+2=25 for 6 or 4 points plus each.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 3414, 2013-04-11_210127

Tags: beef, reuben

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