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Pizza and Oysters on the Half Shell Saturday, July 06, 2013, 01:40 PM



Meredith and I had Wes and Rebecca over and we did a make your own pizza with oysters on the half shell as an appetizer. We bought 2 dozen (though they gave us more) and it was a nice sized appetizer. We all took turns shucking them and did a pretty good job with most. We served them with the regular stuff: tabasco, cocktail sauce, other hot sauces, lemon slices, etc.

For the pizza, we had frozen, leftover Trader Joes dough from a party. We defrosted that along with the leftover cheese. The sauce and all of the toppings were purchased though. The dough is a bit strange. It stretches really, really well but it doesn't really rise at all before the oven. Also, I cooked it at 400 instead of 350. Each pizza was made from half a 16oz dough ball.

Everyone got to make two pizzas however I only took pictures of the first. (and most saved the second for later)

They are:


Justin's first (Pictured lower left):

Justin's Second:

Meredith's First (Picture, top left). Tex-Mex style

Meredith's Second

Wes's First (Pictured, bottom right)

Wes's Second:

Rebecca's First (Pictured, top right)

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6257, 2013-07-06_134033

Tags: entertaining, oysters, pizza

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