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Cauliflower Fritters Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 08:22 PM



I made cauliflower fritters from the recipe below. I followed the basic idea of the recipe with a few changes. I microwave steamed the cauliflower (it took about 10 minutes) instead of boiling it. I also added 2 chopped habanero peppers to the mix. I did it by mashing the cauliflower (cooled first with water) into the egg, habanero, garlic, and a bit of rosemary (not in the recipe). I then mixed together the flour with [extra] baking soda, red pepper flakes, salt, etc. As I mashed it, I added more flour since it wasn't coming together. I mixed it until it had the right consistency. I skipped the feta, lemon, and pomegranate

I also baked them instead of frying them. I used the basic idea of zucchini fritters but they needed more time. I did 425 for 30 minutes and then flipped them for 10.

I made the yogurt sauce with cumin and I added za'atar.

They came out very good. They were a bit chewy but I liked the flavor a lot. Definitely subdued but still very good. The rosemary flavor really shown through. I would definitely do them again.

2013-11-18 Note: Now part of my "recipe book"

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