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Spaghetti Squash with Homemade Sauce with Sausage and Pepperoni Tuesday, November 12, 2013, 11:52 AM



I made spaghetti squash with homemade sauce. As I have done many times in the pasts, I did the squash in the microwave by first halving it and scooping out the seeds, lightly oiling it, added salt+pepper, and microwaving for 10-15 min. This time, they squash was small so I did two of them with the intent to make 3 portions.

I made the sauce with just browned onions and a 28oz can of tomatoes. I_slightly_ drained the tomatoes but not much. I let it cook down and added seasonings including salt, pepper, garlic powder, Trader Joes 21 Seasoning Salute and finally some balsamic vinegar. I separate chopped Low Fat Garlic Chicken sausage and some pepperoni. I tossed them in a separate pan to let it all cook down (and the pepperoni fat to render out).

I scooped all of the squash into a bowl, added the sauce and meat, and tossed. I split it into one dinner and two lunch portions (one for the next day, one for the freezer).

The whole thing came out very good. Not as sweet as last time, but still good. I think the pepperoni flavor got a bit lost. I should either use more or skip it next time. The garlic sausage was nice. I liked the flavor and it complimented well

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