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Cauliflower Crust Pizza Sunday, December 08, 2013, 11:27 AM



I tried to make cauliflower pizza crust again. I used the same recipe as last time but I used towels to really squeeze the crap out of the cauliflower this time. Also, I squeezed the cauliflower on Saturday night but then used it on Sunday. Finally, I did it right on a pan instead of on a pizza stone / cast-iron pan. I had to cook the crust alone for 20 minutes. In that time, I threw together a sauce with 1 14 oz can of tomatoes, a tiny bit of olive oil, sriracha, balsamic vinegar and seasonings. I also immersion blended a bit of it while keeping some chunks.

I definitely likes it more than last time. It was a lot thinner and less wet. However, it didn't really hold together like pizza crust should. I am far from convinced that this is a viable alternative to pizza. And as long as we are willing to have fake-crusted pizza, I could make two tortilla pizzas for 260 calories (not much more than this crust). Still, I am open to trying it again. I'm just not in any hurry.

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