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Home > posts > 2014 > 05 > 20140524_083051_sweet-potato-hash.html

Sweet potato hash Saturday, May 24, 2014, 08:30 AM



This was a pretty simple breakfast. I spiralized a sweet potato and made it into hash. I started by just tossing a lot and then, when it was softer, I pressed it into the pan to try to develop some crispiness. Finally, I made a few holes and poached eggs in it. I put it under the broiler to try to cook it a bit but I may have over done it a bit. Some were a bit runny but not much.

Overall, it was pretty good and was surprisingly sweet. I would try with squash at some point in the future.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7868, 2014-05-24_083051

Tags: spiralized

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