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Kamut Stuffed Peppers Friday, May 30, 2014, 01:25 PM



Meredith and I made grain-stuffed peppers. I do not recall all of the details since it was a while ago but we used kamut, Meredith used some Mexican spices while making the kamut but I am not totally sure what they were. We cooked the kamut a day before we made the rest of the filling. But when we made it we added sautéd onion,zucchini and black beans.

We filled them into cubanelle peppers and cooked it for about 30 minutes.

They were pretty good. The grain mixture was interesting but not overwhelming flavor. We made it the night before with the idea being that most will be lunch and some for dinner.

However, for my dinner the next day, I chopped up the pepper, added the grain mixture (with the pretty-good amount of extra we had), threw in some low-fat feta and added salad greens. It made it a grain salad salad. I liked that more than the original stuff peppers

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