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Green Mango Som Tam (Thai Salad) with Shrimp Wednesday, July 16, 2014, 09:35 PM



Meredith and I made a Thai Green Mango salad. It was based on the recipe for Som Tam Thai on page 38 of Pok Pok by Andy Ricker.

Som Tam is, by definition, green papaya but we wanted to use green mango instead. We bought green mango over the weekend, but by the time we went to make this, our green mango turned into ripe mango. So, we had to, at the last minute, run out of buy new green mangos. We bought 4 large ones and have a HUGE amount left which we froze.

We basically followed the recipe otherwise. We used a drink muddler to bruise everything. And we added shrimp.

The meal was very good. Green mango has a bit of a strange texture but it was fine. There was a lot of flavor. And it was a pretty light meal in general.

Recipe from Pok Pok page 38. Local copy -- password is the name of my dog, all lower case)

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