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Lobster Pho Thursday, July 17, 2014, 09:35 PM



We made lobster pho. We had leftover lobster tail shells from a while ago that we froze. We made the rest roughly based on Emril's recipe though we also did a lot of different techniques. For example, we broiled and blackened some of the onions and the ginger. We sautéd the garlic separately and then added that. And we did some fennel seeds and anise instead of an anise pod or star anise. We also had a lot less lobster than he called for (and without out meat too). That may be why there wasn't really any lobster flavor, but, it did still have a pho-like flavor to it. We also poached shrimp right into it (though only 1/2 a lbs since we weren't doing lunch).

We served it with Meredith's home-grown thai-basil plus some garlic scapes and other accouterments. And we used fresh rice noodles (as opposed to the dry ones). We want to explore making pho some more. This was a good start.

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Greens for Pho Another view of everything

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