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Calamari Balsamic Stir-fry Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 09:35 PM



Meredith is out of town so this was my opportunity to make calamari. I settled on the balsamic stir fry. I made a balsamic-cilantro stir-fry sauce mostly inspired by the balsamic broccoli. The actual ingredients are below. Note that since I was using the immersion blender, there was no reason to do the cornstarch separately.

I stir-fried it as I had been doing. First the meat with a bit of oil, then the veggies with water and lots of tossing to steam them. I feel like I should be actually stir-frying them but I really want to keep the oil use down and I am not sure what to do otherwise.

I do not know if it was because I had to quick-defrost the calamari, if it was my cooking method, and/or the calamari itself but the squid was flavorless. I will not ruse to use it again. Chicken would have been better. Also, I am still not loving this stir-fry sauce. I think the hunt for a balsamic stir-fry sauce will continue.

Anyway, for the sauce, I used the following. The mayo was a strange choice but I thought it could give it a bit of a tang.

Combine all and immersion blend until fully emulsified and combined.

The vegetables were:

I also made 2/3 cup brown rice roughly following this(password is the name of my dog, all lower case)

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