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Eggplant and Cauliflower in Garlic Sauce (with eggs) Friday, September 19, 2014, 01:35 PM



This was a meal basically made of what I had around. I intended to make something like the eggplant in garlic sauce but with a mixture of eggplant (the right kind this time) and cauliflower.

Sadly, my wok rusted and I didn't (don't?) know how to fix it so I had to make it in a regular pan. Honestly, it worked ok though needed more oil and it was harder to toss everything. I much prefer the wok for stir-frying.

But anyway, I also tried ot crack two eggs into it. It worked okay but the eggs ate up most of the sauce making it hard to really spread it out.

Overall, the lunch was fine but not as good as I think it could have been.

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