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Yam Tuna and Miang Kham Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 09:40 PM



Meredith and I made Yam Tuna and Miang Kham (with the propper leaves).

For the tuna, we again doubled the recipe but tripled the tuna. And again instead of palm sugar, I made a 1:1 (by weight) turbinado sugar syrup. The biggest change was that we just went heavy on all of the vegetables. Extra tomatoes (from Peter's garden) and we threw in a lot of the celery. Basically, we wanted to bulk it up. We used half regular lime juice and half key lime juice. The key limes were old and hard to juice but I got what I could out of them.

For the one-bit salad, we followed the recipe pretty closely. Actually, we were even closer this time since we added the coconut and peanuts to the sauce. The only real change for everything was that our coconut flakes were sweetened. To counter that, we dropped the brown sugar to a scant 1/2 cup. It was still plenty sweet.

The recipe is a bit confusing (I made it this time so I am not sure what Meredith did last time). It calls for reducing the sauce to 1 cup but you really only have 1/4 cup (or so) of liquid. The rest is solid matter but I guess it still makes enough. I think I reduced the sauce a bit too much as it was very thick and didn't make as much. We also added some cilantro to the options since we had it leftover

Using the proper leaves (cha-phlu) was a lot better than the betel leaves! I am curious how it is with broccoli leaves but cha-phlu_is_ the proper way.

I was a bit surprised by the amount of effort this meal took. Lots of prep and lots of chopping. It would probably be faster next time since I would know the recipe already

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