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Home > posts > 2014 > 10 > 20141023_143556_ham-seitan-and-pepper-mix.html

Ham, Seitan, and Pepper Mix Thursday, October 23, 2014, 02:35 PM



I am not even sure what to call this. I made a simple ham, seitan and pepper dish. I started by sautéing two habaneros and a poblano. Once they were mostly cooked, I added half of a ham steak (diced) and some diced seitan "chicken" (same as the other day). I cooked it all and added some salt, pepper andPenzey's Fox Point.

I nearly died making it. The air in the kitchen was so intense from the peppers. I almost threw up. But once I recovered, I was able to eat it without too many problems. Those peppers are nasty when being sautéd or stir-fried but not as bad when eating. Actually, it was a really good meal. The saltiness of the ham balanced the subtle flavor of the seitan. And then there was the backdrop of heat from the peppers.

Also, low points. 3 for the oil, 3 for the seitan and 3for the ham steak.

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