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Mango Pavlova Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 08:10 PM



We were invited to a dinner and wanted to make a healthy dessert so we made Pavlova, a traditional New Zealand and Australian (they fight over who "owns" it) dish. This was our first attempt and it came out ok. It may have been a bit too humid and the oven may have been too warm, but the general dish worked.

It is essentially a meringue but you whip it in such a way that the inside remains soft while the outside gets crisp. Then you top it with whipped cream or something.

Our plan was to use tofu mousse but we couldn't get the silken tofu so we used cool whip. Then we topped it with mangoes. We wanted to do pomegranate seeds but they had gone bad.

Given that this is a pretty easy and healthy recipe, we will make this again!

Pavlova (from The Kitchn)

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