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Ground Beef Taco-Burritos (make ahead lunches) Thursday, January 29, 2015, 01:33 PM



I wanted to make food that I could freeze for lunches so I made taco burritos with roasted cauliflower rice.

I made the rice and beef then assembled on multi grain (but regular fiber) tortillas (3 p+ each) with cilantro and spinach. The only real problem was that a bunch of of the tortillas ripped when folding. I noted them so we know they may be messy.

The Rice:

I made the rice by grating whole florets of cauliflower then spreading it thin on a covered and greased baking sheet. I salted it and roasted for 20 minutes until it was starting to brown. I think this worked well. I would do it again

The Beef:

I sautéd an onion with some mini-bell peppers. I then added the beef (96/4) and chopped and cooked that. I added a zucchini for bulk and then the spices. I doctored the spices by, in addition to the taco seasoning packet, adding garlic powder, sriracha and a bit of liquid smoke. I think the smoke was actually really good. You could taste it at the end and it was nice. I would use that again!

Next Time:

Skip whole-grain tortillas. They simply do not fold well. Also, I'll make sure to heat them more to be more pliable. And we'll see how the defrost. Maybe I'll cook them a bit next time and wrap them in something other than aluminum foil


Beef mixture "rice" before roasted After roasting

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Original WP Pub Date: 2015-01-29_133304

Tags: lunch, make_ahead

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