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Shepherd's Pie Tuesday, March 17, 2015, 09:20 PM


I made shepherd's pie for St. Patrick's Day. But I also wanted to make it healthier.

For the beef, I used 1 lbs of extra lean ground beef with two small onions sautéd. I couldn't find a frozen vegetables with corn, peas, and carrots so I got an Asian Vegetable blend of broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, onions, red pepper, water chestnuts and sugar snap peas. I also used the entire pack to really bulk up the beef without adding calories. I seasoning it heavily with pepper, oregano, 21 Seasoning Salute, garlic powder, plus Worcestershire and Soy sauce (salt and unami).

For the potatoes, I wanted to make it healthier by using 8oz of red-bliss potatoes and 1/2 a small-to-medium head of cauliflower. I boiled the potatoes and steamed the cauliflower above it. I was able to mash it all and make it smooth. I added greek yogurt, garlic powder, some popcorn butter stuff, and some real butter (1.5 Tbsp). The final product was a bit sour which may have been the greek yogurt or the cauliflower was a bit green. But, the combination of the potatoes and cauliflower worked well. I also topped it with smoked paprika. I cooked it for 20-25 minutes at 350.

This ended up also being a pretty low-cal meal. 8 oz of potatoes is about 6 points and the beef is about 16. Add some for the butter and everything else. Even if you figure it was 30 calories total, we got 6 good-sized servings!

The flavor was fine. Not the most amazing thing ever. I should read more and get better ideas for recipes. But this was pretty easy and low points.

You can see some photos below of the beef mix, the proportions of beef to potatoes (which was not the ideal ratio) and the final products:

Beef mixture Precooked side shot

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