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Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Peppers Monday, April 13, 2015, 10:05 AM


I made these for Meredith for lunch. I never actually tried it but I did eat the filling. Pictured above is before being cooked. The recipe was from Primally Inspired(local below). We followed it for the general idea but with just one chicken breast and a quarter head of cabbage. I didn't have parsley or chives so I used some Italian mix. I also added garlic and probably heavy on the onions. Instead of butter, I made the buffalo sauce with mostly just the Frank's Red Hot. Some olive oil but not much.

However, I did make a pretty major mistake. I cooked the chicken in the toaster over and couldn't figure out why the chicken was never getting to temperature. I kept it cooking and then moved it to the oven since it just wasn't cooking. Except I had the thermometer in celsiusso I overcooked the crap out of it. From the small parts I tasted and Meredith's reports, it was fine.

Again, I didn't try it cooked but Meredith said we should do this again. Though not sure why they call it ranch. Maybe the spices? In that case, I would use some ranch mix.

Buffalo Ranch Stuffed Peppers (from Primally inspired)

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