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Cauliflower Rice Jambalaya Tuesday, May 26, 2015, 11:30 PM


I had this idea when we were in New Orleans. I made Jambalaya with cauliflower rice. I based it on Emril's recipe (linked below) but made a few changes. First of all, I didn't make my own seasoning and just used the premade version of his. The biggest change is that I used less shrimp, skipped the chicken, used chicken Andouille sausage (Trader Joes), and finally, the cauliflower rice.

I initially planned to cut the broth since I wasn't using rice but there was way too much cauliflower rice that I had to add the liquid (and let it all steam to cook the shrimp).

I also adjusted the seasonings to taste. It all ended up pretty good. Meredith didn't like the sausage but I thought it was fine. The whole thing was probably not as good as the real thing with real rice, but it wasn't too bad. And pretty low in points (the sausage was the worst). We would do it again with a different type of sausage.

It made 4 servings.

Cajun Jambalaya (from Food Network/Emril Lagasse)

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