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Vanilla Atole Friday, May 29, 2015, 11:57 PM


I don't have a picture but I tried to make vanilla Atole, a mexican corn (masa) beverage. We had the chocolate kind (champurrado) at a latina market and it was so good. I actually made it twice. Once on Monday and then again today. Both recipes are below with the top being the newer one.

It was pretty good. Nowhere near as good as the super market one but really not bad. And pretty easy. I think this would make a great snow-day drink. And while it's not exactly low in points, it's not too high either. I estimate the recent to be about 5 PP.

I think the cinnamon should be reduced though.

Newer Version

Combine all ingredients in a Vitamix and run on high for 5-6 minutes to friction heat.

Original Version

Combine all ingredients in a Vitamix and run on high for 5-6 minutes to friction heat.

This one was less thick and didn't have the corn flavor as developed. The vanilla bean was probably more work than it was worth

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 9961, 2015-05-29_235756

Tags: vitamix

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