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Tofu Fresh Rolls Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 10:00 PM


Meredith and I made fresh rolls with tofu for dinner. We used the pressed and marinated tofu from Trader Joes. It is pretty good stuff that is so pressed that you don't even need to cook it. The fillings (mostly pictured below) were carrots, cucumber, yellow pepper, tofu, and "power greens". We also had cilantro, mint, and basil (the latter two fresh from the garden). Note that they were rolled with 22cm rice paper.

We originally were just going to use sweet-chili dipping sauce, but it was kind of boring so we threw together a red-curry peanut sauce. I took peanut butter, red curry paste, some water and some toasted sesame oil. I microwaved then mixed and added more water to thin.

We also had another tomato cobbler portion, though we struggled to get the biscuitsto rise well.

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