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Grilled Pimento Cheese with Leftovers Tomato Soup Sunday, August 16, 2015, 08:00 PM


This was an AWESOME meal! We had leftover pimento cheese from last night. We bought cheddar-green chili bread from whole foods and made grilled cheese. Actually, Meredith made the grilled cheese and I made the tomato soup. The grilled cheese was pretty straight forward. Just butter, pimento cheese and careful heat.

We also made tomato soup entirely from leftovers. It was super simple since we did it in the Vitamix. We combined everything, and ran it on high for 5-minutes until it was super hot.

We had:

I do not think I added water, but I am also writing this pretty far after the fact so I may have and don't remember. At the end, we poured in a bit more buttermilk and then used a toothpick to make a cool design. Garnished with a nasturtium flower from Meredith's garden.

It was actually a pretty easy meal since we already made the pimento cheese. But is was so good. Decadent, flavorful, and [mostly] home-made!

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