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Cuban Style Black Beans Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 08:00 PM


Meredith made black beans based on a recipe from Science of Good Cooking. I am not linking the recipe since we basically reproduce it below in our own words.

As you can see from the recipe below, we struggled to cook them fully. It actually took much longer than it was supposed to. That is likely due to the altitude. In the future, we will consider slow cooker or pressure cooker methods.

But, these were also some of the most flavorful beans Meredith has made. She'll also look into using baking soda in beans more often.


Ingredients (group 1)

Ingredients (group 2)


Brine the beans (about 1.5 Tbsp in 2 qt cold water) overnight (or really, ~24 hours)

Combine all ingredients group 1 in a dutch oven and bring to simmer over medium-high. Then cover and reduce to low. Cook for 45 minutes to an hour.

Eventually added 1/4 tsp baking soda since they weren't softening (found on the web. Not sure where)

Cook for another 45-60 minutes.

Drain and reserve ~2 cups cooking liquid.

In the pan, add the second ingredient group. Sauté, add some of the reserved liquid, add the beans, then the rest of the liquid. Simmer for another 15 minutes or so

Tags: beans, scratch_kitchen

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