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Huevos Rancheros Sunday, January 17, 2016, 12:00 AM


We wanted a quick and healthy meal so we made Huevos Rancheros. I did it the normal way except one of the pans was non-stick since we are clearing out our older pans.

I also didn't use butter and instead relied on just pam. Plus, I gave the tortillas extra time to really get a crisp. Finally, and most importantly which helped this version, I was extra careful to keep the toppings on the tortillas. That made it come off cleanly.

Anyway, the toppings were a tiny bit of El Pinto Green Chili sauce (or was it salsa, either way, not our fav) and then Pace. Plus, I also cut up some roasted red pepper. Oh and a lite bit of cheddar.

Good meal option as always!

Tags: eggs

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