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Sweet Potato Chili Fries and Salmon with Brussel Sprouts Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 07:52 PM


Emily was visiting and wanted to make use chile sweet potatoes fries (Local1). Emily followed that recipe pretty closely. We did half with the cooling rack on the pan and the other right on a tray. They came out pretty good. I think I would try that again, though I would work harder to make sure they are uniform in size.

I also made roasted brussel sprouts. They didn't come our super amazingly. I think they got a bit bitter but we still ate them.

Finally, I made (and also overcooked) seared salmon. There wasn't much to it. I used some Emril and spilled a bit too much on one piece but were good other than that.

  1. U: guest, P: name of my (smaller) dog, all lower case 

Tags: vegetarian

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