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Brownies Saturday, July 21, 2018, 07:39 PM


I made, at Meredith's request, Glossy Brownies with Cream Cheese from BraveTart. I followed the recipe pretty much exactly but with the cream cheese being completely frozen so it shredded a bit more than cubed. Also, I was halfway through making it when I realized, even though I swear I bought it, I couldn't find the coco powder so I had to stop and go back and get more.

I tried to do it based on the timing and it didn't seem to be cooking quickly so I upped the temperature (we need to check the temp on our stove) and let it go longer. THe thermometer read as hot enough but it may have touched the bottom since, while it was cooked, it was not fully done. (which I think people liked more).

Overall, I was excited to try more from BraveTart and I think I would try these again, but I also want to read how to make them more chewy.

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