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Breakfast for Dinner Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 05:49 PM


There wasn't anything particularly special but I wanted to note it for the future. We had breakfast-for-dinner with a mix of stuff.

I made Caroline some Brioche French Toast. In the past (A,B) we used The Kitchn's recipe, we discovered a little while ago that is it really just easier to "wing-it". Crack one egg into our plate-bowls. Add some milk (almond milk this time), some maple syrup, and some almond extract (really helps). That makes enough for 3-4 slices of Brioche.

I also made scrambled eggs with Trader Joes Everything Bagel Seasoning, cheese, and green onion. And some bacon.

We have decided we are done with frozen hash browns and instead made tater tots. Whereas hash browns need tons of oil and are very hands-on, the tots came out really good by just spreading them out well, baking them, and then letting them sit in the oven!

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