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Sous Vide Filet Saturday, September 12, 2020, 07:48 PM


I made sous vide filet mignon for all of us. I did the normal ~137°F for about 2.5 hours. All that was in the bag was some rosemary along with salt and pepper. It is worth noting too that these were huge steaks! They were USDA "Choice" since Costco had better sized of them.

The biggest thing I tried was to use the baking steel for searing. I wanted more space and I also wanted to not fill the house with smoke. Also, the baking steel doesn't have a grease channel so I did it on the grill where I don't have to worry. So I let the steel heat up on the grill for about 20 minutes. It worked well and was way easier! Also seemed to be a nicer sear.

Meredith also made Warm Mustard Herb Fingerling Potatoes from What's Gabby Cooking (LOCAL). We used the Vitamix to blend it. We added everything but the oil and blended it. Then we slowly added the oil at speed 5. We actually poured it with the cap on and let it drizzle in around it.

And we had Meredith's favorite green beans

Before searing. Pretty ugly Searing on the Baking Steel Nice color

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