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Impossible Hot Dish Monday, November 23, 2020, 09:58 PM


I made Hot Dish with Impossible Beef and using vegetable broth instead of chicken. It worked very well. It took exactly three packs of the beef, which cooked up just like real meat. I thought there was a slight acidity I do not usually note when Meredith makes it and I suspect that was the beef.

I made two containers as seen in the picture though it was really hard to spread all four layers. I should have done just two. We had some tater "rounds" instead of tots so that went into one of them (and a bit of the other). Finally, I did cheese! On one, I tried doing cheese then tots. On the other I did tots then cheese. I think the cheese under worked better as the tots got more exposed to the heat but honestly, the cheese just hardened on both and I didn't really taste it.

But overall, a very well received meal!

Looks like real beef

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