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Tiramisu Friday, June 11, 2021, 06:22 PM


Meredith made tiramisu for Friday Night Potluck. She used her normal recipe which she finally let me copy it. The recipe is from Cibo 360 for tiramisu and zabaione (LOCAL translated, and PDFs)

Unfortunately, she didn't let me copy it sooner and it likely changed. She followed, or even went a little light, the amount of marsala but it was too much. The older version of the recipe had you do about half an egg-shell's worth per egg. She would go back to that too.

Also, as noted on that recipe, she uses butter biscuits (or Petit-Beurre) instead of lady-fingers. This is because when she was in Italy for study abroad, she asked a local friend for the best tiramisu. Instead of pointing her to it, she gave Meredith an ingredient list, included butter biscuits but not lady fingers, and made her some. It was really good so now that is Meredith's major change now too.

It was well received and we liked it. Just less marsala next time.

Tags: gluttonfest, meredith_bakes

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