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Sous Vide NY Strip Friday, August 13, 2021, 07:01 PM


I made Sous Vide Steak [Serious Eats] with choice-level NY Strips from Costco. In the bag, I had half a cube of the frozen garlic, a thinly sliced shallot, and some fresh rosemary.

I did 140°F for about 1.5 hours and then seared them on the baking steel on the grill. I didn't use oil on one side and then decided I should. I also topped them with butter.

Other than one exceptional bite, I was pretty disappointed. I thought it was tough and not super flavorful. I need to work on getting more flavor into the steak! And maybe using choice-level wasn't the right answer. I did have one bite that was really, really good.

The Huffsmiths really liked it though!

I served with tater tots baked a bit longer than stated (which is the trick to them being really good!)

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