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Candy Cane Cookies Tuesday, December 28, 2021, 07:00 PM


Meredith and Caroline prepped Candy Cane Cookies [A Beautiful Mess] and then the three of us made them from there.

They prepped the dough a few days before we made it. We just kept forgetting or not having time. Then, when we went to make them today, the dough was hard as a rock. We had to let it sit for a long time (perhaps too long) before we could shape them.

We followed the directions for shaping but it was tough. I found that if I rolled the strands then twisted, it shaped a tad better.

They also spread a lot. Perhaps based on the timing and being out too long. And weren't very crisp. But either way, they were really good. A nice bite of peppermint but not too strong.

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